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Nick's Pictures

Just a list a list of how many times people appear in the photos. I hope to add head shots some time so you know who's who. In the meantime, Stu has compiled a helpful Cast of Characters (up until he left in 2002) on his web page at:


A note on names:
  After a while, you start to get name overload. This is principally notable with Australian Steves, Kiwi Kellies, and Chrises of any nationality. Rather than go through lengthy talks about which Steve or Kelly or Chris we're talking about, we tend to prepend an explanatory note to their names in everyday conversation.
  Sometimes, it's a nationality, as in U.S. Stu or Canadian Chris. Sometimes it's by workplace, as in Cafe Royal Simon, Hairdresser Glenn, or Hostel Stu. Sometimes, it's by nickname, as in Shaggy, Wah-Wah, or Numb-Nuts. Occasionally, we just mangle the name uniquely, as in Simmo, Smartypants, Ash, etc.
  Whatever the scheme, it never works properly, leading to days of fun, whenever a good juicy rumour gets started. U.S. Stu once spent several days explaining that while he had indeed been drunk enough to hurl publicly one night, it was in fact Hostel Stu who had been prancing around naked.

The List:

77 Me
49 U.S. Stu
32 Alissa
30.5 Ylva (She's on the other end of a mobile phone in one picture)
29 Jesse
26 Bertie
24 Annica
24 Tweety
23 Georgie
23 Tweety's Steve
21 Nata
20 Nat
19 Dan the Man
19 Swedish Elin
18 Guitar Jen Quinn
13 Redhead Matt (Shaggy!)
12 Dax
11 Hostel Stu
10 Leon
10 Wee Aussie Alex
10 Nyree
10 Celeste
10 Canadian Amanda (Huggenkiss)
10 Room C Louise
10 Simmo (Numb-nuts)
10 George
10 Canadian Chris
9   Lani
9   Hairdresser Glenn
9   Ina
9   Jeremy
9   Annica's Gerrod
8   Dom
8   Carlo
8   Room C Donna
8   Tall Aussie Painter Steve
8   Richard
7   Aussie Ed (Sugardaddy)
7   Ness
7   Girl Steph
7   Tori (Aussie)
7   Room C Elisa
7   Bluenoser Jay
7   Paul
7   Reuben
7   Martin
7   Jocelyn
7   Shane
6   Canadian Scott
6   DJ Dave (American)
6   Boy Stef (Manager)
6   Christian
6   Evil Sarah (Irish?)
6   Mandy
5   Mike "Princess Bitch" Wade
5   Lyndon
5   Wee Kristen
5   Ed Moore
5   Big Dave Sauriol (Cereal!)
5   Kate "Gee, why don't I mail a used condom in a company envelope?" O'Neill
5   Guitar John Fairman
5   Leigh
5   Ellouise
5   Orkney Katy
5   Chrystal
5   Racquel
4   Bridget
4   Lachy
4   Kiwi Manda
4   Canadian Lisa
4   Lisa's Sean
4   JP
4   Kyle
4   Mario (Sgt. Pepper!, Funkyfongolio)
4   Red-hair Donna
4   Otto
4   Barns
4   Marie (Levesque!!)
4   Mags
4   Phil
4   Redhead Kelly
4   Keats
4   Jenna
4   Neko One
3   Jorge
3   Pirate Steve
3   Vicki
3   Libby
3   Asher
3   Ariel
3   Tall Ange
3   Marissa
3   Dieter
3   Eartha
3   Liam (Dax's Bro)
3   Gwyn
3   Paivi
3   Frog
3   Jaime
3   Leith
3   Rocko
3   Emmanuel (Greek Chef)
3   Quebecois Stephanie
3   Addy
3   Aussie Chris
3   Irish-Boys Gerrod
3   Nicole
3   Miika
3   J-Amy
3   Roy
3   Aaron McWillie
3   Louise McWillie
2   Scottish Louise
2   Rachael (Snake Dancer)
2   Ryan
2   Giuseppe
2   Saffa Gareth
2   Nurse Karen
2   Sarah Watson
2   Torie (Canadian)
2   Marie-Helene (Luc-Andre's)
2   Kat
2   Kat's Donna
2   Dean
2   Jenny Hunter (with fringe)
2   Elroy
2   Glenny Mack
2   Megs Cairns
2   Mittens
2   Jay Elston
2   Room C Mark
2   Rocía
2   Irish Mary
2   Ross
2   Bluenoser Mike
2   Lorraine
2   Snax Heidi
2   Jo
2   Mohawk Wayne
2   Enoch
2   Joele
2   Dennis
2   Ashley (Boy)
2   Cafe Royal Simon
2   Alistair
2   Blackhair Kelly (smartypants!)
2   Blake
2   Ash (wah-wah!)
2   Elin S.
2   U.S.John (short-termer)
2   Melissa (short)
2   Jesse McWillie
2   John McWillie
2   Justin
2   Willie
2   Annalee
2   Allison
2   Rudi
1   Alison
1   Aussie Gareth
1   Irish Michael
1   Troy
1   Irish Vicky
1   Stiena
1   Jess Rocke
1   Sarah C-W (Room U)
1   Claire
1   Tim Kirby
1   Lina (2003)
1   Karin
1   Anna
1   Hulda
1   Vaughan
1   Swedish Sophie
1   Swedish Max
1   Swedish Emma
1   Emma's Ryan
1   Dom's Kelly
1   Sinead aka "Cuddles"
1   Aussie John
1   Adam Bunn
1   Tall Aussie Karen
1   Kathryn (Dave's Sis)
1   Moose
1   Bill
1   Irish Rose
1   Kerstin (Bullen)
1   Noora
1   Mimi
1   Manu
1   Magda
1   Sheila
1   Michelle
1   Tyler
1   Seamus
1   Neil (Da Boss)
1   Susan (Neil's whatever)
1   Johanna (Paivi's friend)
1   Tim Hildred
1   Jesus (a.k.a. Pascal)
1   Saffa Jess
1   Mick
1   Luc-Andre (Marie-Helene's)
1   Pippin
1   Dave (Frodo, Harry Potter)
1   Gillian
1   Thys
1   Pieter
1   Eiveault
1   Uncle Ronald
1   Aunt Christine
1   Dominie (My Cousin)
1   Andrew (My Brother)
1   The Alexmonster
1   Dingo Dave
1   Asa (Cafe Royal)
1   Christian (The arty one)
1   Owen (Jaime's random nipple-boy)
1   Alvin the Disco Tortoise
1   Jesse's Peter
1   Marian
1   Jewellery Andy
1   Bruce
1   Irish Girls Brena
1   Irish Boys Andrew
1   Heidi from work
1   Wee Sean from work
1   Irish Jean
1   Aoife
1   Helena
1   Addy's Kelly
1   Snax Jenny
1   Hendri
1   Long-hair Andrew
1   Callum
1   Kevin
1   Nat's Ben
1   Tall Kiwi Alex
1   Irish Amy
1   Irish Amy's Friend
1   Pip
1   J-Andrea
1   J-Alex
1   Ex-Singer Peter
1   Willem
1   Charles (short-termer)
1   Andy McWillie
1   Cristal McWillie
1   Josie McWillie
1   Teacher Josie McWillie
1   Mountain Climber Julia
1   Lorelle
1   Murray McWillie
1   Lina
1   Sanna
1   Britta
1   Florence Amanda
1   Perpignan Sophie
1   Asa (Jason's)
1   Sharon
1   Florida Heather
1   Florida Bena

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