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Nick's Pictures

This page is in three sections. The first just has some sketches from my journal. Saves me having to haul it out to show people, and you just know it's going to get lost one of these days, anway. Below that, you'll see deliberate photos of the art that adorns Princes St. East Backpacker's Hostel. This is as opposed to daily life photos where the walls show up in the background. And lastly, some photos of the newly painted dining room table that Tall Aussie Steve and I worked on. We don't expect it to last, and so we have taken pictures.

Hostel T Shirts!

Animated T-Shirt Ad (Graphic by Nicole, Ad by Stu)

Alma, New Brunswick, Bay of Fundy

Alma, New Brunswick. This beach is on the Bay of Fundy, which experiences the highest tidal variation in the world, normally 12m between high and low tide, but recorded at as much as 16m. Consequently, every 12.5 hours or so, beaches like this one, several kilometres deep, are exposed and covered again.

Halfway Rock Point, Bruce Peninsula, Ontario

Mississagi Straits Lighthouse, Manitoulin Island, Ontario

Manitoba Legislature

Second Lobby of the Proivincial Legislature, Winnipeg, Manitoba. This bison is one of a pair of life-size bronze statues cast in a single piece each in France and brought here. Naturally, these things weigh tons, and there was a serious worry about damaging the marble floors and staircases of the lobbies as they were brought into place.

The solution, incredible as it seems, was to wait until winter, open all the doors and windows, turn off the heat, and flood the lobbies with water. The bases of the statues were similarly immersed in water to make cubes of ice. Then, the statues were slid with the greatest of ease in the doors, up the ramps of ice over the stairs, and through the lobbies, where they were hoisted onto their pedestals. The heat was turned on, the ice melted, and presto, two bison, no scratches.

Bessborough Hotel & Broadway Bridge, Saskatoon

Art in the Hostel

The Mermaid by the Cave

Multiethnic Busts on the dining room table

The Sun, main hallway

Hand of God pushing The Button, 3rd floor stairs

The Frog from Tweety's Corner

Three Surreal Heads, above the phone


Hallway beside Balmoral Bathroom

The Arches, West Coast Newfoundland

The Arches, Western Newfoundland. Formed by years of tidal activity washing out weaker rock and earth, this last little bit of ancient cliff stands 50 metres out into the current beach.

Little Flowerpot, Flowerpot Island, Ontario

Little Flowerpot, Flowerpot Island, Ontario. Formed by the same forces as The Arches shown above, the Flowerpot is the penultimate stage of collapse and erosion. In an effort to keep the tourist dollars coming in, Parks Canada has actually shored up the waterward (left) side of this flowerpot with stone blocks meant to mimic the natural colour, which can be seen in this sketch. Unseen atop the flowerpot is a layer of ashphalt meant to keep the stone from splintering vertically.

Pow-wo Dresses, Zhiibahaasing First Nation, Manitoulin Island

Extinct Ice-Age Bison, Royal Saskatchewan Museum


The New Dinner Table

The Table from Above

The Table In Situ (Photo: TAP Steve)

Castle on the Table (Photo: TAP Steve)

Coo on the Table (Photo: TAP Steve)

Beer on Table (Photo: TAP Steve)

Female shower stall sign



This page brought to you buy Haddas and Jonathan, who keep me supplied with pencil crayons and pens.