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Nick's Pictures
Sweden (etc.)

So, after a brief stop back in Edinburgh, during which time my beard got a blonde streak, I started travelling again. This time, I started in the north...


Jessie's last night

Jessie's last night

God bless our Georgie.

Otto and Stu

While I was away, Stu had his last days in Edinburgh. The pictures below are Kelly's record of his valedictory descent from sobriety into unconsciousness.

Stu sober on Calton Hill (Photo: Red kelly)

Stu on the way to Quiz Night (Photo: Red Kelly)

Stu getting pissed at Globe

Stu in the stairwell

Stu passed out in the main bathroom


Organ in Brussels Cathedral


The lake behind Viberg at Annica's

A moose crossing the road near Viberg


Joele and the Russian Cathedral


AF Chapman Hostel Boat at Anchor in Stockholm


A coté du Pont D'Avignon

Palace of the Popes

Night-time picnic on the banks of the Rhone

After about three times the wine shown above, a little bit of Ylva's vodka, some of my whisky, and some of Stu's absinthe, Stu thought it was a good idea to try blowing fireballs. Below is a picture of Stu setting the lighter and his hand on fire. It is a measure of our overall drunkness that he tried again three times, and that we let him.

Stu makes fire

For Stu's own thoughts on the results of mixing absinthe with the other alcohols in his bloodstream, see the link below:

Stu's Absinthe Night

Group shot with walls of Avignon

The Palace of the Popes

The mysterious denture of Avignon!

Stu and Neko One

A whole new frightening episode adds itself to my Stu-related memories. I awoke one morning in the hotel room that four of us shared in Avignon to Stu saying things like "Oh yeeeahhh. You like that, don't you?" and "Mmm... you want higher? I can do that.", and "You have a fuzzy little belly, yes you do!". I was a little disgusted because I thought Stu and Ylva would have a little more tact than to get into this sort of thing with Elin and I in the room.
  That's when Ylva came out of the bathroom, prompting me to wonder who (or what) the hell Stu was talking to. They say that curiosity killed the cat. I looked, and it didn't.
   The hotel we stayed at in Avignon has a very friendly cat, Neko One. He eventually focussed his attentions on Stu. The feeling was obviously mutual.
  These are some documentary photos. They may be illegal in some jurisdictions.

Stu with Cat

Stu gets more jiggy with cat

A private moment

Finally, Ylva got a little sick of not getting any attention from Stu and turned the tables just a little. Let it never be said that horny Swedes are not creative. :)

Ylva, with cat on her...


Katy on an Ancient Dunny

Myself & Kate at May's Howe

Notice the blond streak in the beard. I thought it looked good at the time, but it's way too bright. Next time, I'll try for a redder colour. :)

Kate exits the Tomb of Eagles

Stromness Well

Outisde of the Italian Chapel, Orkney

The Italian Chapel

Altar of the Italian Chapel

This is the inside of the Italian Chapel, in Orkney. During the second world war, Italian POWs were held here and they requested permission to build a Catholic chapel for themselves. They were granted two Quonset huts welded together, and this is what they came up with.
  The walls are painted with tromp-l'oueil stonework and marbling. There are amazing depictions of angels, the Virgin Mary, and even the animals from the Adoration. having just recently been around Italy and having seen some great Italian works of art, I can say that what they did here was well within the vein. It is a place that simply has to be visited. It is a wonder.

Italian Chapel Ceiling

Italian Chapel Ceiling

Standing Stoned

Artsy-fartsy standing stone photo

Also, here are some of Tweety Steve's photos from his trip with Phil and Nat to Orkney. They got to see much that I didn't.

The old man of Hoy (Photo:T Steve)

Tweety's Steve on Hoy (Photo: T Steve)

Nat and the Old Man of Hoy (Photo: T Steve)


Carlsberg Elephant

Me sampling at the Carlsberg brewery

The Carlsberg Horses (Yay!)

Carlseberg Wagonwrights' shop

Den Lille Havefrau (photo)


The Cathedral in Koeln, Germany


Us, drinking in a park (Photo: Ylva)

The Grand Tower in Nimes

Us at the Grand Tower, Nimes

Pont de Gard

Pont de Gard

On Pont de Gard


Stu shows his bird blessing

Elin in Bed (as Usual)

Paris II

Rodin's Thinker and the Eiffel Tower


Tulips growing in Holland

This page brought to you buy EurrailPass, RyanAir, the Swedish Army, and snooty French guys.