All Saints' Day (aka a very sloppy morning after!)
This is Gwyn, Bertie, and I at the Penny Black the next morning. Note that we have to hold his head up for the photo.
Kudos to Nyree who's behind the bar and the camera. As you can see from the shot on the left, she was at the Caf the night
before and still managed to make it to work at 5am, more or less on time and more or less sober. Below, Bertie talks shit
with some random Aussie guy. They were both talking about their favourite sports teams and not listening to a damned thing
the other was saying.
To the left is this really cute little dog that we just obsessed about. You know when you're drunk you can get really
focussed on something for a while? Well for us, it was this dog. The girl was cool with all the attention being paid to her
lap, her boyfriend, less so.